Well here's a way to help the environment, sea turtles, and the island of Puerto Rico, all in the comfort of your own home.
Sign this petition: Protejamos nuestra vida marina y nuestra economia!
** We protect our marine life and our economy!!
It takes 8 seconds, and makes a difference to have a collective voice demanding care and consideration for our oceans.
Las bolsas plásticas son responsables de la muerte de más de 100,000 animales marinos cada año, incluyendo delfines, ballenas y tortugas.
Las bolsas también representan un gasto económico enorme a los comercios, los cuales tienen que pasar los costos a los consumidores.
Plastic Bags are responsible for the death of more than 100,000 marine animals every year. This includes dolphins, whales, and turtles.
Plastic Bags also represent an enormous economic comercial loss, which means the loss is passed on to consumers. Like you!
For more information, check out the Campus Verde website. There have a lot of good information posted about programs such as recycling in your area as well as island events in support of conservation and environmental programs.
As always, use www.translate.google.com for help with Spanish translations.
Enjoy your day! Please pass this petition on to your friends! Use e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter! The more support, the better.